objetivos entradaThe Nuclear Engineering Program aims to train personnel at the graduate level and to develop basic and applied research in the nuclear area, seeking to promote professional training in the fields of nuclear science and technology. Research opportunities are offered that lead to Master of Science (M. Sc.) And Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) Degrees.

The Nuclear Engineering Program is, at the national level, the training center for human resources that has contributed the most to the sector, in terms of defended master’s theses.

objetivos salareuniao

The Faculty of the Nuclear Engineering Program has its activities distributed among teaching (at undergraduate and graduate levels), basic research and development of applied research projects. The participation of teachers in undergraduate courses takes place, basically, through the Nuclear Engineering Department of the Polytechnic School of UFRJ, where students of Mechanical, Civil and Naval Engineering can take the discipline entitled Modern Physics.

Teaching, research and project development activities are grouped into the five areas listed below, the descriptions of which are presented below:

  1. Reactor Physics;
  2. Aplied Nuclear Physics;
  3. Reactor Engineering;
  4. Safety Analysis;
  5. Human Factor Engineering.

objetivos anfiteatro

The Nuclear Engineering Program, linked to COPPE – UFRJ, it is composed of a highly qualified faculty, with all professors having DSC or PhD degrees. The head of PEN is Professor Inayá Corrêa Barbosa Lima and the Program aims at training personnel at the graduate level, as well as developing basic and applied research in the nuclear area.
