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LANCER's mission is to contribute to the Nuclear Engineering Program, training human resources at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, aiming to train highly qualified professionals to work in the nuclear industry, as well as in the academic-scientific area, mainly with regard to the area of ​​Reactor Physics, focused on the development and improvement of deterministic models for neutronic calculations of the most diverse types of reactors. The laboratory has been dedicated to the development of computational systems and deterministic models that contribute to accident mitigation and operational improvement of both PWR-type nuclear power reactors, as well as current designs for SMR-type reactors.

LANCER currently has an infrastructure of approximately 70m2 of area and several high-performance computers for simulation and computational modeling in Reactor Physics, aiming to develop research in the following areas:

Physics of Nuclear Reactors

  • Kinetics of nuclear reactors;
  • Microscopic cross section models based on Kaniadakis and Tsallis statistical distributions;
  • Application of perturbation theory methods to calculate sensitivity, importance function and various problems in Reactor Physics;
  • Development of physical models for calculating neutronic parameters in the energy range of nuclear resonances;
  • Coarse mesh methods for calculating multidimensional spatial neutron flux in various energy groups.
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