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The Process Monitoring Laboratory (LMP) was created in 1986 and is a center of excellence dedicated to advanced research in the nuclear area, with a special focus on the application of real-time computing technologies and artificial intelligence. With an area of approximately 200 m², the LMP focuses its efforts on Human Factors Engineering, with a focus on safety and support for the operation of nuclear power plants.

Thanks to the research carried out, the LMP became a pioneer in the creation of a completely national technology, responsible for the computer systems for monitoring the safety of the Angra 1 and Angra 2 nuclear power plants. The SICA-A1 system, operational since 1989 and last updated in 2020, and the SICA-A2 system, operational since 2002 and updated in 2020, are direct results of this innovative research. Furthermore, the LMP is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Environmental Control System of Angra 1 and 2, the main plume control and monitoring system at the Almirante Álvaro Alberto Nuclear Center (CNAAA), located in the city of Angra dos Reis, in the Rio de Janeiro state.

In the laboratory, advanced systems engineering and computing techniques are applied, such as expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary, swarm, quantum-inspired and parallel computing algorithms. Research carried out includes master's dissertations (48 defended), doctoral theses (34 defended), basic research (72 articles published in journals with JCR) and (131 articles published in congresses), as well as applied research projects.

The LMP has high-performance computers equipped with GPU/CUDA processing and state-of-the-art machines, providing support for dissertations, doctoral theses and research projects. The laboratory's main lines of research are focused on the nuclear area and address topics such as artificial intelligence, optimization of complex problems, identification and diagnosis of events/accidents, digital control room design, environmental monitoring, nuclear safety, among others.

At the Process Monitoring Laboratory, we are committed to driving innovation and technological advancement in Nuclear Engineering. Our pioneering research and the development of national technologies have contributed to improving the safety and efficiency of nuclear power plants. Contact us to learn more about our research and find out how we are shaping the future of Nuclear Engineering through the application of artificial intelligence and advanced computing technologies.

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