We are proud to announce that the Brazil – India - Cuba - United Kingdom (BIC²UK) conference on Materials and Machine Learning is now part of the International Scientific Convention "Universidad de La Habana 2023" and is dedicated to the 295th anniversary of the University of Havana.
Enjoy early free subscription between December 7, 2022 and January 5, 2023. Abstracts will be received in English (preferred), Spanish or Portuguese.
See more details on the BIC²UK website HERE and in the HERE file.
We look forward to seeing you at BIC²UK 2023.
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A Escola Politécnica da UFRJ realizou a entrega das medalhas André Rebouças e dos 230 anos da instituição a 35 profissionais indicados pelo Conselho Departamental da UFRJ.
Os professores do DNC receberam a medalha sendo eles, a Profª Verginia Reis Crispim recebeu a Medalha André Rebouça e o Prof. Ademir Xavier Da Silva recebeu a Medalha 230 anos.
Confira a relação dos premiados AQUI